presentacion fabrik beer
By FabrikBarber In Sin categoría
lunes abril 3, 2023
By FabrikBarber In Sin categoría
lunes abril 3, 2023
By FabrikBarber In Lifestyle
viernes diciembre 7, 2018
By FabrikBarber In Blog, Lifestyle
miércoles noviembre 21, 2018
By FabrikBarber In Blog
viernes diciembre 11, 2015
By FabrikBarber In Blog, Uncategorized
martes mayo 19, 2015
T: (+34) 822 178 619 INFO@FABRIKBARBER.COM
Profesionalidad, atención, humor, ambiente agradable con buena música. Calidad - precio excelente. Ah, y no ponen reggetón, sin acritud 🙏. Es my opinión
I've been going here for a while now and every visit I’m always feeling snazzy. This guys are very knowledgeable barbers.They show sophistication and are up the coolness factor. Wonderfully friendly and inclusive place. It's clean with an old-fashioned vibe.Prices are very reasonable.Don't hesitate to stop in!